Statement from MORE's Health Justice Working Group

On Wednesday, November 13th after the Delegate Assembly, a group of UFT members congregated in the mezzanine of a cafe on Broadway. MORE’s Health Justice Working Group invited members from Retiree Advocate to join us across the street for a chat and chew. We were brainstorming future joint efforts to push the UFT to endorse the New York Health Act. The original speaker and author of the universal healthcare bill, former NY Assemblymember Dick Gottfried, was unable to join, but a surprise guest arrived and saved the day. Morgan Moore, executive director of Physicians for a National Health Program, dispelled UFT offers’ myths about NYHA’s treatment of retirees.

Over the course of an hour, the group enjoyed sandwiches and clarified the misinformation spread by UFT higher-ups. They discussed how NYHA would be paid for, what would happen with out-of-state retirees, and the additional benefits that aren’t included in our current healthcare plan (such as long-term care, no copays, no deductibles, no prior authorization, no network restrictions). 

It is unfortunate that the misinformation spread by UFT officers persists, despite the availability of the Senate Bill for anyone to read online (or a less dense Campaign for NY Health FAQ section) that addresses the very concerns brought up by UFT brass: cost, out-of-state retirees, and representation. A week after the NYHA gathering, Mugrew took to the airwaves to condemn any critique of the UFT’s Healthcare plan or any support of NYHA as “anti-union” at the member town hall on Wednesday, November 20. We continue to fight for a union that responds to the concerns and needs of its rank and file members. 


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