Statement from MORE's Health Justice Working Group

On Wednesday, November 13th after the Delegate Assembly, a group of UFT members congregated in the mezzanine of a cafe on Broadway. MORE’s Health Justice Working Group invited members from Retiree Advocate to join us across the street for a chat and chew. We were brainstorming future joint efforts to push the UFT to endorse the New York Health Act. The original speaker and author of the universal healthcare bill, former NY Assemblymember Dick Gottfried, was unable to join, but a surprise guest arrived and saved the day. Morgan Moore, executive director of Physicians for a National Health Program, dispelled UFT offers’ myths about NYHA’s treatment of retirees.

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Union Members Should Demand the New York Health Act

Richard Gottfried is a former Assembly Member and sponsor of the New York Health Act

A recent post on Educators of NYC by Peter Goodman opposes the New York Health Act, the bill to create universal, publicly-funded, publicly-accountable comprehensive health coverage (“single-payer”) for every New Yorker.

This focuses a lot on the point that many details of the system are not spelled out in the bill.  Of course not.  Does a union contract name all the thousands of medical procedures and drugs the health benefit might cover and the price for each?  But the bill spells out – in law – the key fundamentals that make clear that New York Health is the right choice for all of us, and far better than any other health plan, union or otherwise.

The NYHA specifies that anything covered by Medicare, Medicaid, state insurance law mandates, and any state or local public employee health plan will be covered for every New Yorker.  This includes long-term care (home care and nursing home care).  It’s dramatically broader coverage than any union health plan.

It guarantees no premium, deductible, co-pays, restricted provider network or out-of-pocket charges.  The bill has strong enforceable language guaranteeing fair and adequate payment methodologies and rates.

All guaranteed by law, not at risk every time a union contract is re-negotiated.

The plan will be publicly-accountable, not run by an insurance corporation accountable to stockholders.  The governor and legislators, and their families and friends, will all be covered by the plan, so they’ll have a keen interest in making sure it treats patients and providers as well as can be.  And 20 million New Yorkers will benefit by being in the same plan.

The bill spells out that it will be funded by a progressively-graduated tax, based on ability to pay.  For payroll income (anything subject to the federal FICA tax), the employer must pay at least 80% of the tax; the employer share could be more, especially through collective bargaining.  (For state and local public employees, whatever percentage of the health benefit premium the employer currently pays, the bill requires the employer to pay at least that percentage of the NYHA tax for the employee, going forward.)  The first $25,000 of a person’s income will be exempt from the tax; for Medicare enrollees, the first $50,000 of income will be exempt (acknowledging the federal money they draw into the system).

The tax will also apply to non-payroll income – e.g., dividends and capital gains – that is subject to the state income tax.  That’s where really serious income is earned in our economy.

The exact brackets and rates will be set by the governor and legislature when the plan is ready to be implemented.  That makes sense: today we don’t know what income levels and distribution, and health care prices, will be at that point.

Today, no one can tell any union member what their health plan will cost them or what the details will be in the next contract.  Union leaders constantly say that every time they’re at the bargaining table, they have to choose between protecting the health plan or other wages and benefits.

Many studies by major consulting firms (e.g., RAND) and academics have analyzed state and federal single payer plans, including the NYHA.  Almost all agree: the plan will produce billions in net savings over the current system.  By eliminating insurance corporation bureaucracy, marketing and profit, cutting what health care providers spend fighting with insurance corporations, and slashing drug prices using the bargaining power of 20 million “covered lives,” NY Health will save almost $60 billion a year.  After paying for long-term care and picking up out-of-pocket costs, the net savings will still be almost $20 billion a year.

Those savings, and the funding mechanism based on ability to pay, means almost every New Yorker will spend less than they now do for health care and coverage.

The article cites a report by a Canadian think tank called the Fraser Institute attacking the Canadian single-payer system.  Fraser is a Canadian equivalent of the extreme right-wing Heritage Foundation (the people now hosting Project 2025).

The article expresses concern about the growing power of for-profit equity taking over health plans and health care providers.  That’s a very important concern.  It is made possible by the concentration of economic power exerted by a handful of huge health plans and pharmacy chains.  We need a countervailing power serving the public interest.  The answer is a universal publicly-run and publicly-accountable single-payer health plan – the NYHA.

Some unions say they support a universal health plan but say it should be done nationally.  With the current climate in Washington, a national plan is not likely any time soon.  And a plan enacted in New York will be more favorable to employees and patients than one enacted in Washington.


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UFT leadership must be terrified of actually doing the work and conducting contract negotiations without using healthcare as a bargaining chip. They must be terrified that if they can’t dangle (ever-diminishing) healthcare benefits in front of members, they will lose membership. All evidence points to these reasons as to why they are dishonest with members about healthcare. Let us explain. 



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Union Democracy: How Democratic is the UFT?

The purpose of this post is to objectively unpack the extent to which the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) operates in a democratic manner. This will involve examining how decisions are made within our union, the role of members in decision-making processes, the election of leaders, and the overall transparency and accountability within the UFT.

Answers of this kind are not readily accessible nor thoroughly explained by our union. In response, this blog post was put together so you, the reader, may explore the union's inner workings, assess for yourself: “How Democratic is the UFT?”, and engage in dialogue with your coworkers about the union we deserve. 

Consider these problem-posing questions as you read:

  1. How does the UFT operate?
  2. Whose voices are centered and whose are marginalized?
  3. Who benefits and who is harmed?
  4. Is the current structure democratic?



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What could a grassroots UFT election campaign look like?

The electoral sweep by opposition forces in the paraprofessional and retiree chapters are nothing less than an electoral earthquake in UFT politics. By winning close to 2/3rds of the votes in these former bastions of Mulgrew’s UNITY caucus, the union activists in Fix Para Pay and Retiree Advocate slates have proven that it’s possible to electorally defeat UNITY’s 60 year control of the UFT. 

If the 2022 United for Change slate had received the same margin amongst retirees as in this years chapter election, we would have won by 51%

The retiree activists also have provided some new innovative and inspirational tactics and strategies we need to apply to our general union elections next year. Combined with the lessons learned from MORE’s participation in the 2022 campaign, they provide guideposts to building a grassroots UFT campaign that could not only change the union leadership, but also strengthen rank and file organizing at the base in a way that will ensure that the union's transformation is deep and lasting. 

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Fighting for the New York Health Act: An interview with MORE's Health Justice Working Group

From fewer doctors in network to higher co-pays, every UFT member knows our healthcare, like that of most people in the US, has gotten worse over the years.  This is because the American healthcare system is not designed to keep working people healthy—it’s designed to enrich insurance companies, big hospital chains, and the pharmaceutical giants.  

The New York Health Act (NYHA) would cover all New Yorkers under one medicare-style program, eliminating the private insurance companies entirely.  And it would force hospitals and pharmaceutical companies to charge reasonable rates.

The UFT’s Delegate Assembly, the union’s highest decision making body, has endorsed the New York Health Act twice: in 2015 and 2017.  But instead of fighting to improve healthcare for all New Yorkers, the UFT leadership has spent the last decade cutting deals with the city that save the city money but makes our healthcare worse.  Retirees have fought back against attacks on their healthcare.  It’s time for in-service members to do the same.  Ultimately, we need our union to fight, not just to keep the healthcare we have, but to improve it by enacting the NYHA.  

Strikehot sat down with five activists from MORE’s Health Justice Working Group—Martina M., Kate C., Ilona N., Meg J., Ali H.—to talk about how they are building a campaign to win the UFT over to NYHA.

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The Movement of Rank and File Educators and the Case for an Inside/Outside Strategy to Build a Progressive Big Tent Within the UFT

As we come out of both our biannual MORE State of Our Union event and the recent Labor Notes conference, I wanted to write down some of my thoughts about our union and our caucus in the current moment. I have been wanting to write something longer like this for a while, so I really appreciate anyone who takes the time to read it. I hope this helps continue discussions about our work together in the upcoming months and years. I sincerely believe in our collective vision of building the UFT into a strong, militant, and democratic class struggle and social justice union. This is not only possible, but necessary if we want to create real social, economic, and racial justice in our city, state, and country. Furthermore, I believe that UFT activists in MORE and many of the structures we have created together are crucial parts of making this a reality.

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Top-down, scripted curriculum mandates are a disaster for our schools

This is the first of a multi-part series of articles focusing on corporate canned curriculum mandates from NYCDOE leadership. 

Mayor Adams’ and Chancellor Banks’ effort to overhaul the NYC curriculum in reading, math, and early childhood education is being rolled out in an aggressive, top-down manner. The current NYCDOE leadership has pushed prepackaged, scripted curricula across all grades and is rolling this effort out in phases across multiple districts each year. In this series, we share concerns about the lack of cultural responsiveness (also highlighted in a recent report from NYU) in these curricula, the lack of credible research to support their effectiveness, and the ways we can organize and push back on these top-down mandates.

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MORE Members of Executive Board Reflect

Three members of MORE have been on the UFT Executive Board since 2022: Ronnie Almonte, Alex Jallot, and Ilona Nanay. StrikeHot sat down with the three of them and discussed what they have learned so far and strategy going forward. 

StrikeHot: What motivated you to run for the Executive Board  and what did you hope to accomplish in your term on the board? 

Alex: The bigger picture is to hopefully enact some sort of change in our union and to pass some resolutions that would benefit the rank and file and push our leadership to do the right things. The way that our union leadership runs right now is frustrating. It's very much top down. But I also wanted to see what the inner workings of our union were like. So being on the board for the past year has definitely opened my eyes to how leadership operates and what their motivations are.

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Reflecting on the last UFT Chapter-Leader Election Campaign

by Kit Wainer

[These notes reflect my personal reflections on MORE’s efforts to run a series of chapter leader election campaigns in spring 2021. I should note that I left NYC to pursue a PhD in the summer of 2022 so I know little about what has happened in the caucus since then].

For those considering running in the current Chapter Leader or Delegate elections this spring, please join MORE at our next election training on Thursday 2/15 at 7pm (

Dramatic membership growth

MORE’s growth from roughly 100 dues-paying members just prior to the pandemic to more than 700 by August 2020 inspired many of us in the caucus leadership to try to capitalize on the momentum by deepening and expanding our influence within individual union chapters. At that point, what percentage of the membership was “real” and not just on paper was very difficult to measure. The 3-4 meetings we held over the summer of 2020 drew more than 200 people each. The late August meeting—held at the moment the UFT leadership was wielding a phony strike threat over school safety—drew more than 1,000. But since all caucus work was remote and remote politics was still something new, it was difficult to know how many were showing up only once, or how many showed up for general meetings but never participated in anything else.


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